Jon Stewart on Crossfire - this got me pretty riled up, in truth; I also have a whole new respect for Jon Stewart

-on foreigners as insurgents in Iraq (via Wyatt)

-Ark Visual Effects - small gallery of art, video

-random concept - there's just so much potential in this for a great character or even short story built around it...I guess you have to have been a 40k nerd at some point to get the full import, but still...

-tangentially, Dawn of War is a pretty amazing game based on 40k (at least going by the demo Wyatt downloaded). There are a great many oooo's and aaaahhhh's to be had, and some nice "holy shit" 's in there too; it's basically a regular RTS, but with great voice acting, and the feature of zooming in on the (nicely interfaced) combat to see cool finishing moves when it gets to hand-to-hand (even the E3 video doesn't really do it justice).

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