A random principle of the zen state as applied to the physical body as enumerated in the car after aikido this morning: when a cherry blossom falls from a tree, the tree does not tell the flower to fall: it just falls. When a person is in a zen state, they do not tell their body to move (on any subconscious or or conscious level), it just does. Aka, a lightbulb appeared above our heads. (We weren't trying to sound pretentious, mind, just working through the classic 'do the technique without thinking' admonition)

-Growing Up Sexually: A World Atlas - pretty dry for the most part, and the sources seem kind of suspect for some reason, but interesting

-'spiro-graph on LSD'

-ah, fun with werds

-smabee art - small gallery

-thought this was cute (from a yoga article):
The Psoas is:
(A) A remote tribe in Papua, New Guinea. (B) A revolutionary computer operating system. (C) The muscle that is the key to your structural stability.

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