I think it's interesting that as much as people complain incessantly when the weather is hot around these parts, they rarely ever remark on when it's so autumn-ly perfect. I don't mean that to sound pretentious or to knock anyone, I figure it's more just an example of a common-to-all phenomena. In any case, as I've remarked upon several occasions, the weather is incredibly nice now. As much as I adore the warmth and monsoons of summer, autumn and all its smells and sensations is like a happydrug for my system.

      Random idea proposal! What if poems had a broader role in the media? Might they change how beauty is perceived in teen magazines? Would readings from local artists break up the incessant barrage of visual imagery and cacaphonous soundbytes? Anyway, I could go on....

-Beware! Penguins!

-Def Jam vids - I know I've already endorsed this game, but the Soul Caliber-esque mix of relatively realistic moves (re: jujitsu throws and locks, Thai clinching) and fantastical throws really makes me want to buy an Xbox

-ok, ok, very bad taste, but "Nominations open for most fuckable Arab" (and Queen Noor is gorgeous, and really really intelligent to boot)

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