Here's the dream I had this morning. I was in a deli with my mom and my aunts and uncles, but everyone except for my mom was acting, well, slightly oddly. Then I heard screams from somewhere in the distance outside of the deli, and got a really bad feeling. As my relatives started arguing in the usual Arab manner, I turned to see shadows and then velociraptors in the shadowy back of the deli. My relatives saw them as well, but just turned and stared at my mom and I, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the building. In the space between the deli and another building, which turned out to be an odd bank, I don't remember much except the running sensation, overcast skies, and it sounding like something in between dead quiet and catastrophe.
      In the bank was a hysterical, skinny employee, wringing his hands at his inability to lock the front door, which oddly was a really loose wooden affair with two doors that could swing in or out. So I set to work with a nail and two pieces of thick wire trying to connect the doors in the middle and hold them together, all the while hearing dull, heavy roars from the distance. I looked up through the window and saw more raptors stalking around outside, so got my mom again and pulled an odd dream thing where it felt like running up and running down stairs simultaneously. The front door smashed open and the teller screamed, and I looked back to see human shaped shadows following us, and heard my relatives' voices, and then one of the shadows paused, and out of its face blossomed a multitude of long tongues, then my cell rang and I woke up. Soo....Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jurassic Park, and something Lovecraftian going on?

-amazing detailing of a Tokyo underground that manages floodwaters; somewhere in there is an animation of how it works

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