Printculture - Now this is my kind of website. Basically, my thesis advisor and a few of his friends got together to put their random thoughts down. The topics range from politics to superbowl commercials to teaching to, well, one gets the idea. For example, one of the more probably generally accessible bits is this article on videogames such as Grand Theft Auto.

Total Yoga - with Tracey Rich and Ganga White. A bit longer than most yoga tapes, Total Yoga is probably not the best tape for a beginner (not because of it's length, correct that poor syntax, but because of its pacing and sequencing). The beginning is a nice introduction to ujjayi breathing, which is unusual for a video to concentrate on at all, and most of the rest of the session is a progressing series of sun salutations that are centered around a varying asana (ie lunge/twisted lunge; cow's face/half lord-of-the-fishes). The asanas themselves are fine and sequenced nicely, but the instruction and general appearance leave something to be desired; I think memorizing this one and not using the tape might be more beneficial, at least for me at any rate. Sidenotes, the introduction has some advanced asanas in motion that are great fun to watch, and several of the names assigned to things were just plain unfamiliar or odd to me, though I'm not sure of the significance of that.

Another practically pre-made skiffy setting; I could see writers using that as a basis for intergalactic travel; that, and it seems like it might explain some of the vague concepts from David Brin's Uplift trilogies and Babylon 5.

Dissonance: A God Amongst - pretty poorly written (or translated, maybe?), but in that it seems to take on a kind of myth quality. Or maybe they were going for that? I can't tell. But it's funny, because of the way Baha'is are used in it. (+ concept art)

Periodic military tech news (via Wyatt)

NinjaCupid (a game within tokidoki) - yes, it's cute and mindless, but it's got kind of a nice modern art thing going in the changing backgrounds

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