Splashdown is my favorite band right now. Though it's somewhat difficult at times to catch the words through the occasional undulations and trippy cadence of Melissa Kaplan's voice, it's worth it to listen to the songs while glancing at the lyrics. So far I've realized one of the songs is a series of almost-haikus, another is an odd Adam and Eve parable, another is a cover of a World War I Maori love song in the original language, and another sounds really innocent but is dirty enough to widen my eyes. Basically it's one of the few bands where I enjoy reading their lyrics in the same way that I enjoy reading a good of book of poetry, in that there is the same sort of depth. (via Michelle originally)

      I was struck by how much is communicated by body language today while dealing with an overdose patient in the ER. He was seeing who knows what when his eyes weren't rolling back, scratching at bugs all over,going from fast asleep to bolt upright awake, and was trying to scream (as best as we could tell, he had aphasia, so communicating was not going to happen much from his end). He wasn't understanding me either, at any rate, but I tried to change the tone of my voice as best I could while gauging his reactions, which seemed to work a little. But during the moments when he was in the land of the real (real for everyone else anyway), I got his attention best with hand gestures that became signals for movements, conspiratorial winks, and changing the level of my eyes to meet his. For whatever reason, it feels like it's something that bears more thought.

Who else is qualified? - my favorite is Inigo Montoya I think

The bottom is the hottest part. This is an established fact.

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