-another nicely written bit, haven't really applied any but aesthetic thought to it yet:
      "What is man?
      A creature of dust; a thing of transience whose days fly by faster than a weaver's shuttle; a fragile being, crushed sooner than a moth; a body, sustaining and reproducing itself after the fashion of beasts; a vessel filled with shame and confusion, impelled by pride and self-love, driven by passions.
      All these, says the Tradition, is man.
      But he is also more and other.
      The handiwork, the child, the mirrored image of God, fashioned after and instinct with Him, he displays, though in infinitely lesser degree and with innumerable flaws, the powers ascribed to and associated with Divinity: the ability to think and create, the awareness of the good and beautiful, the capacity for love and compassion, and the freedom of the will." - Milton Steinberg

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