Everyone's probably seen it by now, yes, but Episode III is coming. I'm looking forward to it personally if only on the basis that it looks much darker than the previous episodes, as the fairy-tale/myth/black+white archetypes episodes I and IV were based on did nothing for me; at least V, VI, and II were moving towards more complex characters and issues. (via Wyatt)

Parelette exercises - I can do some of them on just my hands, but I'm not sure how effectively as my attempts were after working out already; as it was, I'll estimate a still 'just barely' for future attempts, and hopefully my abs will strain less. Which leads one to the conclusion, of course, that these are probably something I could stand to do a lot more.

Pimp vs dude. Knifehand to the neck is what it looks like to me, anybody else see anything different?

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