-her name isn't really Jessica, but with that new required privacy stuff I got irrationally paranoid...and yes, it's kind of corny, but, uh.....deal. Or offer suggestions otherwise-


The next time you find yourself
slouched on the couch in the dark,


Keep your hands still,
away from the tepid water
and the acrid pills.

Ignore the goblin-shrieks
of your flower-named sister,
and her rancid eyes,

Stand up and walk past
the tantrums of your mother
before she peels free of the TV,

Slip past your father,
duck his lecherous sneer
when he turns to cough up tar,

then run -

sprint through the sun -

soak up the warmth outside

that dank web of dark emotion,

let your words blossom

and grow.

Keep writing, Jessica.

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