Apparently, I am not the only one to have been charmed by the squishy intrigue that is the cephalopod -
-Hold the Kalamari - arguments both ways on intelligence, and "Researchers have discovered spines lodged in octopus brains, the result of a meal going the wrong way." I think it's kind of interesting that if you eat pretty much any part of a cephalopod, in a sense you're probably eating part of its brain.
-Cephalopod Research - general information and a few interesting videos from Down Under
-For some reason this reminds me of a zombie movie...with zombie coconuts. And seaweed. They really should have used the seaweed version for an underwater scene in an old Godzilla movie, in my opinion.

It's a good thing all my spare change is stuck in the giant pink fuzzy Buddha

Best. Hypothetical. Question. Ever.

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