"Where is that leaf?"
"On the tree."
"Wrong - look again."
"Okay, it's on the end of that Y-shaped branch."
"Wrong again. It's in the air." And holding up his two fingers as if he were holding a grape floating in space, he enacted tha miraculous feat that leaves are literally suspended in midair. "And that's where ideas come from," he said. "They are in the air. Of course, when you write, you organize your papers the way God organizes a tree - you attach the idea to a branch of thought, and that branch adheres to the more solid trunk or discipline, which is rooted in the earth of our shared experience. That's what writing is all about: linking the miraculous perception to the material universe." - from Spitwad Sutras

Alien Apocalypse, with Bruce Campbell and Renee O'Connor. The only rational explanation I can think of for us watching this is the entirely depressing end to the UA game. It at least had the legendary Campbell, and O'Connor is oddly familiar (ah, she played Gabrielle in Xena). The only explanation we could think of for the pathetic mess this movie made of itself was that it was being conscious of messing itself. Like a drunkenly incoherent combination of The Postman, Planet of the Apes, and Battlefield Earth, possibly made by SciFi just for drinking games. Or something.

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