-two movies that coincidentally seemed proponents of some of my core beliefs-
Kingdom of Heaven, with Orlando Bloom, Edward Norton, Eva Green, and a lot more. There could have been more character development of Bloom's character, and the blurring cinematic thingie that was used occasionally seemed kind of tasteless. But beyond that, I thought this was a wonderfully put together movie. While I can already hear people decrying the movie as it 'not being any Gladiator,' no, it's not; it is an epic nonetheless, and I would contend that it has more intelligently put together subtexts, such as one involving masks/veils and mirrors, for example.

What the #$*! Do We Know!? - with Marlee Matlin. It seemed like an extended version of the shows they have on PBS sometimes that make physics all 'hip' and whatnot, but it ws fun. I was leery at first of the story that was parallel to the interviews, but the end of it won me over for the rest. I'd call it a less artsy kind of Waking Life, which fits its concentration of quantum physics over philosophy, I suppose (though the connections made in this movie in that regard are certainly interesting).

      It's interesting how quick people are to pick up people they just knocked down in mosh pits. And the proper technique for crowd surfing is probably something involving rigidity, and not flailing, and/or wearing spikes. Unless one crowd surfer lands on another, which is just bad all around, though funny. And don't wear cleats to a concert, even if you just came from soccer practice, or so says the black and blue on my foot. And security guys are remarkably fast in making their way through a crowd when a fight breaks out. Billy Idol apparently puts on shirts repeatedly just so he can take them off. This seems profound. Jimmy Eat World is the best. Frybread is yummy; so are girls facing the other way and wiggling while said frybread is being eaten, or so says three votes in that favor.

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