Runaway Jury, with Rachel Weisz and John Cusack. Though it had three of my favorite actors in it, namely Weisz, Cusack, and Marguerite Moreau, and several other quality actors, I was totally distracted the whole viewing time by a new very masculine hobby. All the same, it looked interesting and engaging even with my mostly vague understanding of the plot. And it had a nice ending. I think. All in all, it was nice just taking in some great actors all put together.

      That, and we caught a bit of Gigli, which seemed quite as horrible as it had been touted. But: it did have this nice scene of Jennifer Lopez doing yoga in spandex and extolling the feminine form, in a monologue in the same vein as Al Pacino's near the beginning of Scent of a Woman. And this wonderful gem presaging a love scene:
(girl): It's turkey time.
(guy): Huh?
(girl): Gobble gobble.

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