An interesting point came up in a conversation with someone I hadn't talked to in a long time (Spoon rocks!). Basically, this gal and I, while dissimilar in passions or interests (except for a strange penchant for dancing at random and inappropriate times) share a similar issue. That is, while we have often been advised to 'do what makes [us] happy' or 'make a living doing what interests [us],' and this is sound advice, at the same time we run into a conundrum. We either do what we love or what interests us, and make the sacrifice of not having very much of a living or being able to support a family comfortably etc etc, or make a living doing something we care little about and do our best to continue our passions and interests on the side.
      Now, the biggest trouble in explaining this thought is not coming off as whining, bitching, complaining; we were really trying to objectively figure out the best course of action. Also, at the same time, we tried to recognize (and think of) basically, things we hadn't thought of - lucky breaks, wise investing, change in life-perspective; maybe something will happen with the lovely lady come January from her time with AmeriCorps. Anyhoo. Thinking.

for lighter fare, comic-find courtesy of Cherubim:
-for the few who'll have any idea what this might represent
-10 points to living in Arizona

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