In the (now week-long) continuation of a very diplomatic and tactful argument at the dojo over various martial arts principles, I have to confess that I was holding up my side with very little confidence because of lots of recent disilliusionment (I'm really hoping that's actually a word) - having refined and better understood what we were actually talking about, today it boiled down to explaining previous training from differing disciplines and comparing. But, when the head instructor finally wandered over and his opinion was asked, he pretty much repeated exactly what I had said in almost the same words. I found this fairly odd, as he and I had never discussed the topic before, nor could I remember him expressing those opinions; I'm not sure whether it relieved my feeling disillusioned to be backed up, as it were, but I certainly found it striking that our (the head instructor and me) training from the same teacher carried through so consistently in us.

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