As it's getting colder out, some of the bay doors to the warehouses are kept closed to retain whatever heat there is inside; some are still open however. So I'm walking by one of the remaining open ones today, which was quite gray and cloudy and dark, and I see snow falling. Like, little flakes of white drifting past across the sky and the next building over, back and forth in the breeze.
      Of course, this being Tucson, it was desert broom seeds, but hey, it was a moment.

Dead Leaves - no sense, whatsoever. Like a cross between Tank Girl, FLCL, Akira, Gen13, Die Hard, Escape from LA, and...probably several other things. Maybe a porn, it's kind of hard to define some of the things that happen, though. I felt like I should be doing something else besides watching television, at least say flipping through a magazine or something, but I really couldn't take my eyes off this, nor could I rid myself entirely of what I'm sure was a befuddled look - there's probably not a five second lull in the entire movie, for true. As much as I had to concentrate to tell what was going on, the rampant havoc is quite fun to watch (though out and out disgusting at times), and there are enough dirty jokes and one-liners to make one smile even if they're not in the best mood.

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