My mom's reviews of science fiction shows! I won't even get into why she actually sat through and paid attention to two of them. She liked Stargate SG-1, but that's possibly mostly because it was the remarkably sedate episode where Carter meets that ascended human dude, which is vaguely romantic. Still, she said she liked the writing and the actress who plays Carter. She thought Firefly was vaguely interesting, but not as 'classy' as SG-1, and for both shows laughed to see actors that she hadn't seen for many years (apparently the preacher in Firefly used to be on some sitcom?).

Well, it's not exactly as fulfilling as the old smallpox/cancer research project, but maybe aliens will come and give us the cure for those things or something (they have it for both Mac and PC now)

I wonder whether there aren't enough objects in the asteroid belt and the Oort cloud for everyone to get their name literally on something (from Wyatt)

Quote of the Day: "I believe it was Voltaire who said, 'Well, then fuck them.'" Well, I thought it was kind of funny at any rate.

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