"Care is a state in which something does matter; it is the source of human tenderness." - Rollo May

I read this and it struck a particularly painful chord in me, because of the way the first phrase is worded. So I wanted to note how a simple choice in wording something can affect a phrase so much (if it was, 'something is very important,' I wouldn't have hardly looked at it). And secondly I wanted to note that I thought that it seems a profound and yet easy thing to heal, to me, in that one can make the choice for something to matter to them or not, and generate compassion and have the benefits that that garners. I can watch a kid struggle to read a book, watching his face contort and his lips move as he tries to sound out each word, and choose for it not to matter to me - it doesn't matter to me, he ain't my kid - or I can choose to say, it does matter, and sit down and read with him, and encourage him, and choose that side of humanity to define myself.

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