A couple odes, in prose. Prodes, if you will. First, to Sensei Tony. Though I trudged my way to class, not looking forward to spending an hour and a half with eleven year olds, somehow he completely made it all ok by giving me a little confidence/emotion boost at the end of the night - not anything to do with martial arts at all, but just in general. Now that's a rocking teacher. I think regardless of what happens in the future and despite all the recent changes in this regard, I'd still like him to be the...uh, priest-figure I guess, I'm not sure of the term, for me and whomever I marry.

And for a completely different 'prode,' to Shane on The L Word. Yes, there are much 'prettier' actresses on the show, and perhaps more 'feminine,' but I think bar none the woman who plays Shane is the most attractive. She's a hundred times skinnier than I'm usually attracted to, though she does have a lovely low voice, and...well, she's practically androgynous in appearance. I don't know what it is, I think it might be her assuredness of personality and psyche - amongst all the other characters with their issues of identity and not being able to make up their minds or taking issue with other characters, Shane is like a rock in terms of those things, and the actress does a great job of extending that into her demeanor. And for whatever reason, that seems totally hawt, to trip and fall into a valley girl vernacular.

I can't really tell whether it applies to me, but maybe this Ayurvedic approach to headaches might work for someone else. Though I lean towards the cluster side of things, or, to borrow a term from sailing, being cluster-fucked, I've not quite been able to fit myself into a really pitta type.

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