High Fidelity, with John Cusack and Iben Hjejle. One, movies on the Oxygen channel become dippy when there's lots of cursing. Who the hell would say, "What the frog?" Who thought that up when dubbing it? Sheesh. Two: why on earth would the same channel advertise Secretary for the next night - how the hell much stuff will they have to edit out? It makes me angry to think of it.

Aaand back to the film. It's...definitely under the category of 'meandering.' Also under the category of 'interesting character study.' See, where I normally have fun identifying with Cusack's intriguing characters, this one mostly just bothered me up until the very end. And while my first impulse was to ascribe that to maybe his character just not being very likeable, like the one in Pushing Tin (though I may go back and revise that), I started to wonder whether I was identifying with him, and just being bothered by something in myself. I still haven't figured out quite what, though; there were ephemeral, passing parallels, but I'm still at something of a loss. While I was put off by his seeming stubborn insistence on staying the same, mabye that was just his odd way of releasing his emotional baggage to be able to change? Still, there wasn't enough clear character development to make me want to go back and figure it out, as much as I usually like Cusack's movies.

I agree that number 1 is definitely up there; I hesitate to put more thought into this, but I would certainly add the love scene in the new Thomas Crown Affair completely off the top of my head. And disagree with several of those. Now, erotic scenes in novels and poetry...hmm...

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