I don't really have any deep thought behind this at the moment, but I'll just note that I've seen several gals lately without makeup for the first time, and was quite...well, surprised. Interestingly, they were much, much more attractive (all of this just in my perception) without anything on, almost looking like entirely different people. The one exception from a while back that I can think of is a minimum amount of makeup, ok two exceptions, and I remember the tiny amounts I saw each of them put on as little accents, but that's a whole order of magnitude of difference from the previously mentioned lipstick et al.

In other news, I've only quickly played a downloaded demo of it, but F.E.A.R. quickly caught my attention. One aspect can be summed up by the fact that while playing it late at night I was startled enough to think the phrase, "Sweet pumpkin-humping Jesus!" That said, it's a first-person shooter whose most attractive aspect, I think, is its atmosphere - which is, in a word, creepy. The action is also quite solid, as well, with impressively (seemingly) organized and reactive AI, and something of a setting that hints of expansiveness even within the minimum given in the demo.

Also, Fear of Physics seems to be an interesting site for tinkering with

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