Superman Returns, with Parker Posey and Kevin Spacey. Eh, nothing to write home about. I think what held my interest most, besides the special effects, was vaguely trying to discern the semantic value and pattern of hair in the movie - say, Luthor's wigs, Kent's versus Superman's hair styles, Kent versus Lois' boyfriend's hair, etc. I think the movie was very true to Superman - unfortunately, as Superman is more a symbol than a character, it didn't so much make for an interesting movie. Posit, though: Superman as the American version of a Greek god?

Dead Man's Chest, with Captain Jack Sparrow. Well, except for some minor boat oar usage, I was quite disappointed in the fight scenes, especially considering how solid they were in the first movie. I liked this better than Superman Returns, overall, though this one was quite long - I almost want to say it would have worked better as a novel, with more room to flesh out a good amount of things (like the relatively more interesting love quadrangle - yes, I am counting Jimmy Olsen in the other movie).

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