Jujitsu at Ko Sho San: soon to be back in action! Hoorah! Anyway, we've decided to finally apply some karate-concepts of standards to the class, for several reasons, but mainly just to have it more organized - hopefully, we can retain the emphasis on principle over technique, however. In that regard, I'm thinking an overarching principle for each belt, and then a tripartite pathway - groundwork, standup, and drills - split between those belts as well. Here's my initial thought towards structuring:
Principles: need to put some thought into this, but off the top of my head in no particular order are creating a marriage, unbalancing, atemi, explosive vs relaxed, missing leg, ki, and posture.

Drills: backfist rolls, push-away-trap, Session, choreographed striking, falling/rolling, shooting

Groundwork: 5 basic pins, transitions and escapes, pins and strikes from each

Standup: tai sabaki, throws, standing locks, wrist manipulation (kote gaeshi)

So, for each belt, say a principle, a pin (escaping+holding), a throw, a standing lock for each belt; drills scattered throughout, as they're basic and can be filler.
Opinions and suggestions welcome!

eye asanas

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