interesting paragraph (the mention of adrenaline seems a bit extreme, but it gets the point across):
"Many people, so used to living in the dramatic world they create, feel uncomfortable when confronted with the prospect of a lifetime of peace and contentment. The drama in their lives serves multiple purposes. Upset causes excitement, prompting the body to manufacture adrenaline, which produces a pleasurable surge of energy. For those seeking affection in the form of sympathy, drama forms the basis of their identity as a victim. And when drama is familial, many people believe they can avoid abandonment by continuing to play a key role in the established family dynamic. The addiction to drama is fed by the intensity of the feelings evoked during bouts of conflict, periods of uncertainty, and upheaval."

Radio news: "A powerful car bomb blew the roof off a car and launched the windshield over forty-foot trees into a swimming pool." - ten points to Tucson for being aweso; not only do we blow up cars, we do it with panache

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