So while I'm having fun with neologisms, I might as well extend that into my own personal jargon, and make up the term 'world dream.' That is, every once in a while, under certain circumstances - falling asleep with the lights on in my face, in my jeans, with no AC on, dehydrated, sunburned, and in an odd position, as in last night, as a general example - I'll have a particular kind of dream. I'm calling it a 'world dream' because it has this quality wherein it seems to exist in a setting that is independent of me. I'll wake up and fall asleep several times over the course of a night, and just keep returning to the same, surreal 'world.' Now, in this particular kind of dream, it really does feel like a setting in some story, with its own rules, and culture, and sense of 'place.' Kind of interesting, but mostly unpleasant in the end because of the discomfort of the things that bring up that kind of protracted, multi-falling asleep/waking up kind of dreaming.

Random quote of the day! [I'm italicizing the part I particularly found interesting]
"The contents of the mental stream are not as important as the consciousness that knows them. The mind softens in meditation through the assumption of a particular mental posture called 'bare attention,' in which impartial, nonjudgmental awareness is trained on whatever there is to observe. Problems are not distinguished from solutions; the mind learns how to be with ambiguity."

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