A very random thought. In one part based on the posit that orgasm is a moment of complete union with the self, that is, analagous in a way to a moment of samadhi, if one is so inclined to look up the Sanskrit. In a second part, based on how one taking anti-depressants might find it difficult to achieve orgasm. So I'm conjecturing that while the anti-depressant medication may treat the symptoms and even the physical cause, perhaps (besides or on top of just hindering it in some physical way) the medication also acts as a handicap to or diversion from the psychological and emotional side of things, and may hinder that 'union' in its own way. Or, looking back at all that, maybe I'm just talking out of my ass.

If you know me, you know I'd get a kick out of this-
"BEIJING (Reuters) -- More than 240 army dental experts from 25 countries are meeting in northern China to brush up on cavities of war and weapons of mass infection at the 2006 World Military Dental Congress." - that, and the headline was "World army dentists build bridges" - ha!

If I ever end up having me a daughter, I'm going to make sure to learn her some history - specifically, about bad-ass women. Now, I have to note, as much as the title of that implies soldiering, many of those were more strong and intelligent in terms of politics or familial matters or just strength of character, which I'm really more concerned with.

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