Things of Note! From the weekend!
-having a relative be a manager of a Metro restaurant is pretty awesome (yay kin of Kim!); but beware, the resulting free extra appetizers and beer (Hawai'ian - flowery!) might make it so you can only get a few bites of your actual dinner down
-getting hit on the back of your head (hello mr. occipital lobe) can actually make your vision black out for a split second (not good when driving down the highway), now I really believe those stories about boxers being blinded by rabbit punches
-everyone was injured in some way in kickboxing on Saturday. what the hell.
-chicken with pricklypear nectar and cloves is interesting and spicy and odd
-next to the salsa dancing floor, there was a big, dark man with lots of amulets and pendants on, just sitting their drinking and watching...I had the impression he was some sort of salsa mafia don, or Columbian drug lord, or maybe just some large guy drinking and my imagination got away from me
-be careful when hamming it up on the dance floor; apparently you might get into a dance-off and not even realize it
-somehow, someway, the comic book guy from the Simpsons was in Phoenix this weekend...alas, we did not ask him exactly which state Springfield is in
-why is that a thirteen year old dressed up as a Catholic schoolgirl is unwholesome, while a nubile-in-a-different-sense woman in the same get-up is more acceptable?
-at every chance I get from now on, I'm going to get a sketch from a professional artist...quality, original art, for a relative minimum of money, hell yeah

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