Happy Hall of the Ween!

Appropriately enough, I had something of a bad dream. It was probably because I was sleeping right on my injured arm, judging by how much it hurt when I got up (Corinne, it needs the fixing!). But damn, it was pretty vivid. It started out with the people I usually hang out with and me setting up for me to teach a martial arts class; unfortunately, I desperately needed a ball for some reason, so had to run home to get one. By the time I got back, it seems everyone had left.

So I started wandering, and came to an odd building that looked like a house from LA, and found some guys from work and a couple friends of my dad's. They were all looking at computers, and somehow I was made to look at one, which had a kind of myspace picture gallery of what was supposedly an ex-girlfriend...but that was where the bad part of the dream was. Certainly not for looking at pictures of this random girl, who I guess resembled by ex-girlfriend, but had straight hair and a narrower face, and piercings in only some of the pictures. But I felt like something mean was being done to me, I'm still not sure what, and there was that...discordance, of being forcibly told the photos of that person were someone else I had once known very well; I think that was disturbing in the same way I've read schizophrenics are disturbed when their brain thinks their friends' faces have slightly changed enough to be creepy.

Ugh, discordant morning.

Anyway, in honor of the day that it is! And ten points to Mr Bryce for dressing as Jason and stalking around the warehouse scaring people, heh. Also, the candy of the land of sushi.

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