So, prompted by Ms Abby, I'm going to rant about etymology a little. Specifically, involving the words "orgy," "orgasm," and "organism." Orgy made its way to Middle French (and from there I assume through Norman French into English) from Latin, previously by way of Greek, in referring to the 'orgiastic' rites for certain Greek gods. But, the origin for that word for the Greeks is kin to érgon, which in turn is kin to the Indo-European root *werg- which basically has to do with 'work.' Now, 'orgasm' comes through Latin from Greek as well, but is more directly derived from another Greek work, orgân, to swell. What I wonder at this point is whether that's connected to the root of organism, órganon, which means tool or bodily organ, but looks like it's also connected to érgon, so I think they might all connect back to that Indo-European root. Wabam! They are connected, however varied in meaning. I think.

-wow, they referenced not one but two of my favorite Stephen King works:
"Mostly, I just didn’t care about it at all, because c’mon, don’t they have bigger fish biscuits to fry? I realize that he’s young and good looking, she’s young and good looking, they’re lonely, whatever, but I’m just not convinced that taking a break from trying to stay alive in order to get it on makes any kind of realistic sense, unless you’re in a Stephen King short story. ‘Hey, we’re stranded on this raft that’s surrounded by an oil slick that eats people – let’s f---!’ ‘Hey, we’re stranded in this supermarket that’s surrounded by Lovecraftian monstrosities that eat people – let’s f---!’ ‘Hey, we’re stranded in a polar bear cage that’s surrounded by psychos who torture people – let’s f---!’”

-this makes me giggle

-Dian Wei and Sempronius Densus were two badass bodyguards (but not as badass as Ms Kim's brother Jay, who was also a bodyguard)

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