The strangest thing. The yoga teacher decided to try out a kind of guided meditation, beginning by having us think of something that made us happy. So I did, and that was going well for a while. Then she had as try to focus on the feeling of being happy itself. So I started to get distracted by random little thoughts, stresses and reminders from the day, and that was natural as trying to focus on a feeling itself is kind of slippery. So the teacher periodically called us back to focus with gentle reminders; but the harder I tried to focus on the feeling itself, the...wierder things started getting. Like, dream imagery, not just obvious thoughts from earlier in the day. Kind of like meditative visions I've had before, but instead of insight-full, the only image I can really remember is a white-skinned, red-eyed...worm-thing tearing a whole in...well, the air itself, and chopping on some person I was facing, I don't remember who, with a big ol' toothy maw. When the teacher finished, she asked if I had a headache or felt unwell, and I replied that no, I felt fine, just...strange. And she said my eyes were red, as if they'd been irritated.


Anyway, that's it. I'm going zorbing. Or perhaps Zorb riding? Whatever the terminology is. Who's with me?!

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