Kim vs Beatnik Poetry!
The night was dark ::bippitybapbapbap::

The air was thick ::bopbippitybopbap::

He saw her ::bippitybap!::

Did she see him? ::bippitybap!::

Anticipation (half-whispered)


Heh...Marines are great (interestingly, my Granddad has a book full of quotes like this, but to more general topics)

Something about ants (and their colonies) always fascinated me

-thought this was an interesting etymology
"Putative comes from Late Latin putativus, from Latin putare, "to cleanse, to prune, to clear up, to consider, to reckon, to think." It is related to compute, "to calculate" (from com-, intensive prefix + putare); dispute, "to contend in argument" (from dis-, "apart" + putare); and reputation, "the estimation in which one is held" (from reputatio, from the past participle of reputare, "to think over," from re-, "again" + putare)."

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