
I just had this memory of...fifth grade I think it was; we read a dystopian short story about massive overpopulation, and I remember the stark despair contained in the narrative. Then, remembering that, I thought - whoa, that was fifth grade?! Props to that teacher, that was great stuff that challenged us, and it fired me up. Hell, I think that might have also been a point in time where I had an impulse to create/write first developed, I remember writing a story about an visiting a science-fiction-y alien zoo for that same teacher - it might have been silly, but damn was my imagination and interest engaged.

-passage on various yoga views:
"A classicalist might quiet the mind and withdraw his senses to gain freedom from the material world and access the spiritual. A Vedantist regards the sunset as being part of the spiritual world but believes that seeing it as a sunset is an illusion. A Tantrika recognizes the sunset for what it is in the regular world but sees it as part of the divine whole. What's more, she fully delights in the experience while it lasts."

-and a funny little passage on panache that I'm kind of furrowing my brows at

-on being happy:
"We sometimes forget that we are allowed to feel this way all the time. " - an interesting thought, I thought

-ah, using one of my favorite movements (the armdrag), here's a good idea for when using a butterfly guard

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