this is for you, Penguin

Heh, I don't even know why I write out these comic reviews, as I know exactly one person who gets as big a kick out of comics as I do, and who would have any idea what I'm talking about....and who doesn't read this. So for you, awesome random possible person in, say, uh, Antarctica who gives a crap, even if you're a penguin (or maybe especially), this is for you, buddy! High five!
X-Men 197 continues to impress with Bachalo's art and an intriguing combination of characters and story (though I seem to be in the [vocal] minority given reviews I've read); this issue seemed to be a character-building interlude at first, but quickly became make-you-look-over-your-shoulder-creepy. I can't get enough of the kind-of-painted art of X-23 4, and this is a solidly fast-paced issue on top of that, establishing Laura as a total badass and Kimura as a horrible bully (which makes Frost's eventual horrible punishment of her that much more palatable). Worldstorm 2 helped cement the new Wildstorm universe as awesome for me, with two stories introducing the rebooted - and very different - Voodoo and Backlash. Like The Boys, Barracuda 2 is not for children to read, but damn, if it isn't funny; even this issue that's purely set-up for the next is hilarious. But Cable & Deadpool 39 topped even that for me, I was actually laughing out loud at a few points - re: "You just never get tired of the panicked screams of expendable minions. 'Minions' truly is a great word. On par with 'chimichanga.'" And Pirates of Coney Island 5 I just didn't even know what to make of, but it was certainly original and fun - like cotton candy and cheeks being slashed open all at once - good times!

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