awww, Emp, so cute

Empowered, by Adam Warren. As much is was completely not what I was expecting at all, I was very pleasantly surprised. I've always loved Warren's art and clever writing, ever since I read that first bit of Gen13, and while this was in a kind of black and white digest form, I wasn't disappointed. Told in many small episodes, interspersed with often-times metatextual (but not cloyingly so) title pages, Empowered is ironically (for it being as silly and satirical as it is) one of the most 'real' feeling comics I've ever read. Sure, it's tongue-in-cheek throughout, and just plain eye-rolling-inducing at times, regardless it's still utterly adorable for every moment in it.

Mmm, pesto!


Connie said...

As a friend would say..."Aww...barfy cute."

Jinn said...

heh, yeah, it kind of approaches that...but then, there's enough random sex and jokes that I think it distracts ;) - a fun thing about Warren's writing, also, you almost need a companion dictionary, he throws five syllable words in the middle of gangsta-talk