Things of Note - an Artfully Violent Weekend

-seeing 300 twice in so many days helped in appreciating it more fully, I think, like the best martial arts movies, some parts you just want to rewind and watch again - of course, I've also been annoying my girlfriend with questions beginning with "I wonder if the Spartans...."
-I got medieval on the bush...shrub...tree thingies by the west fence; there was a unique little biome going on in there, odd leaveless vines, old growth and composted topsoil, plants expressing three different ways of getting to the light in one individual
-but, now most of them are in piles in the front yard: damn you, once-per-week trash pickup!
-we now have more shelve-age, thanks to my dad's construction skillz; and Kim got interior-decorator-al on the living room, rearranging and setting up for the Great Wall Hanging of '07
-now, I have to rearrange my spatial memory and stop running into things in the middle of the night
-oof...ate exactly one and a half meals on Sunday: a thickass burger, coleslaw, ribs, potato salad, popcorn chicken, rolls, baked beans, then barbecue chicken and corn
-then, basically went to bed at 8pm, which led to feeling rested, but also seemingly an epic's worth of really, really odd, vivid dreams (felt like I was in this pervasive setting which included an Arizonan beach)
-a fun painting (heh...phoenix...)

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