Things of Note - A Weekned

-contrary to popular belief, Garduno's is not actually a factory that produces margaritas, though they really do pull off the Southwest-art-times-steampunk-equals-whoa effect pretty well
-but...why was the mariachi band playing "It's a Small World" over and over?
-I'm sorry, pugs just look like someone was trying to play golf with a sledgehammer and mistook a small dog for a ball
-and what is up with vizslas' lips and/or psychotic personalities? Seriously, people!
-I went an entire day not realizing someone was stone-deaf, it was amazing...she got skillz
-Frank/Mathilda 'sploring-log, Great Gale of...uh...March: we braved billowing clouds of dust, exploding Mexican families, precariously tipped bins, and precariously tipping trees to find (dun dun dun) a secret stash of kumquats!
-I feel like I should somehow save all that desert wasabi I 'harvested' (aka weeded); and all that tombstone rose covering the house? It was all one plant! wtf.
-Mattie gets ten points for being the most well-behaved dog ever this weekend, bringing the ball back each time (and dropping it on the ground!) and guarding my back from the neighbor's dog (and not barking!)

Kind of morbid, but interesting, especially if you're hungry - last meals

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