Blades of Glory, with Will Ferrell and Jon Heder. Despite the completely randomly violent distractions of the night (there's a warrant out for their testicles...though, why did we never consider ovaries?), we got to watch a fun bootleg. It was pretty funny, in a stupid way, with...sequins. I wouldn't say I'd go out of my way to watch it again, but then, I never really got into that kind of comedy very well, either, however. Um...yay, bromantic comedy? It sure wasn't any Hot Fuzz. But it was okay. In other news, we might be on a police cruiser's camera doing silly things.

Reading about dream interpretations because of some odd, completely implausible dreams (that weren't even mine, ironically), I learned something interesting, if it's true. But it makes sense - that is, that any person or 'character' in one's dream isn't really that person (this is all in one's own head, after all), but is simply some reflection of one's own unconscious. So it's kind of pointless to ascribe the meaning inherent to our connotation of that real life person; rather, they represent some more abstract notion within our psyche.

I vote it's a Lovecraftian alien (seriously, look up some of the descriptions on Wikipedia, I'm actually not kidding, in that regard)

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