I don't care if I didn't sleep well, awesomeness ensued

I had this dream last night: total space opera. It started out with a huge battle in orbit of bluegreeny planet, and there were all sorts of aliens and different kinds of battleships and stuff blowing up (and a lot of the color pink?). Then, in one of those inexplicable dreamshifts, we were somehow down on the planet, in a kind of mountain pass that now that I think about it kind of resembled the Hot Gates in 300; we were pinned down from both sides, however. My dad was there, though he was kind of morphing back and forth between him and Admiral Adama, and ditto for me, except with Apollo (from BSG). There was a ginormous brawl among all sorts of wierd creatures, like a huge amorphous purple skeleton thing that dissolved people with each swipe or a woman with hands that turned into giant claws; all I managed to do was somehow scale this ten-foot tall woman thing and snap her neck, though she didn't die, but simply querulously complained about it. As some anime-looking jet fighter buzzed us, my dad/Admiral Adama ordered me to make a break for it, so I pulled some parkour action and magically ended up at the front door of my family's house. And had this very lonely feeling, as if I was Crichton at the beginning of Farscape. Apparently it was a dream about me being a giant sci-fi nerd.

In other news, I still have a mancrush on the movie critic KFMA has on Friday mornings. Not only is he witty, but he's really managed to take what I think was generally perceived as a failing business (that is, movies) because of repeated worthlessness and high prices, and make it exciting and something to look forward to every weekend. Yay English-major style reviewing and connection-insights, and dry wit!

Relatedly, I found this point-by-point of the Planet Hulk epic to be a lot more interesting than I'd expected, kind of like Gladiator in a superficial way, but surprisingly the Hulk manages to add some depth

And though I never really got into those distance-setting records just for the sake of setting a record, uh, go helicopter people

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