it hurts so good

The Pursuit of Happyness, with Will Smith and Jayden Smith. Well, like Bryce said, don't watch this movie if you're in any way depressed. It's just...agonizing to sit through, so many bad things just screw over a decent guy. But, that said, it's not as if the movie isn't entertaining, with amazing acting, especially from the younger Smith, and since it's pretty much a given that there's a happy ending, the rest of the movie is more palatable for that. I think a lot of people might dismiss even the idea of the movie out of hand, but at the same time, I think it's the kind of (in the end) positive movie that does good in being there to watch. Heh, and that little cameo they threw in at the very end - ten points. [sidenotewise, it would be interesting to compare this movie to another semi-biographical like, say, Domino]

On a different note, isn't in funny to see how people split into two entirely different camps over Children of Men? I mean, wow. I say camps, as I noted to Kevin, as it doesn't just seem a difference in opinion, but that there might be trenches or barricades between the opposing sides. I wouldn't have put as much thought into it had I not completely coincidentally found an email back-and-forth that Connie'd sent me a good while ago about the movie, that echo'ed Kevin and me in turn. And then, there's Wyatt, Kim, and Stephanie's input, and I'd bet money that the more people one would ask, the more people would stack up on each side. And then, there'd be a rumble. Old school. Unless you're in that other camp, who thinks there wouldn't be any rumbling (ker-wink). And the people who just didn't see Kevin points out, I guess they'd be on the road leading up to (or away, if they just refuse to see it) the camps. But, I suppose I'm hardly concerned with them, as I'm strapping on my helmet - death to the...uh...other camp!


Connie said...

Yes, because if CoM taught us anything, it's that men should fight to the death over their differences of opinion. ::grin::

Jinn said...

yeah?! yeah?!

well :P.

hehe, I guess I was kind of reinforcing which camp I was in, huh?