a little OC

interesting quote:
"Compulsions…involve chronic, often ritualistic behaviors that we use to calm ourselves and reduce tension. We do not derive pleasure so much from the actual behavior as from the relief it provides...compulsions are typified by words such as I can’t, I have to, and I must, and so on...they act as a security blanket to cover troublesome feelings. Using Buddhist language, you could say compulsions are highly charged attachment. What separates a compulsion from a mere preference is the agitation and distress one feels if the compulsion is not satisfied."

This sounds like a recipe for a good fantasy-historical epic to me

Bioshock looks like it might be a fun game

Hmm...looking at the keyboard....I'd go with, um...."&"

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I'd go with '#'. Or at least that's what the ladies call me.