would make a fun comic book

City Infernal, by Edward Lee. Ironically, for as much as one might think that a story mostly set in hell might be the most shocking and disgusting of Lee's stories, it's really not at all. The bits that are a bit shocking just aren't really, in just being so over the top and fantastic as to be ludicrous. That's not to say it isn't kind of a fun read, with a few twists and turns and a very (oddly, fun) imaginative take on the concept of hell. I just can't get the notion of the whole book being kind of silly out of my head. Weird.

Wyatt's counter

Posit: running off the idea that "all models are inherently incorrect on some level - some are useful," isn't reality as we perceive it simply a model constructed by our sensory input? Reality as a useful, but ultimately inherently incorrect model. Hm. Puts one of yoga's goals of "seeing things as they are" in a whole new light.

Hopeless romantics unite!

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