
I think Ultraviolet would have been a good bit better if they'd made the pacing as frenetic as Crank. It already has the crazy stylization, and making it more frantic in nature would have buffered some of the silly and uncoordinated aspects.

Aha, I thought so, tango is useful

Interesting, though dense, article on Japanese culture

And a nice article on perspective shifting

It's interesting, offhand, how Palestinian identity has come to be associated with Islam; two Lebanese girls at my mom's school still haven't figured out how she can be Palestinian without being Muslim, it befuddles them. As a consequence, my mom has practically started to disengage from her identity as a Palestinian, as the Christian culture she diaspora'ed to the West with simply hardly exists in the land of origin at all anymore, and Christian Palestinians simply aren't what the international consciousnes views as Palestinian anymore.

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