maybe if we watched it backwards...actually, that would probably work

Gone, Baby Gone, with Casey Affleck and Michelle Monaghan. In the end the narrative turned out to be interesting, but only in looking back through it; in the course of watching the movie, it was more of a "where the hell is this going?" So it could have been much more unified, had better character development, and had better pacing, but the end result (and dilemma) is certainly conversation and thought provoking. It seemed...just, kind of self-indulgent, and most every character or plot development was two steps behind where it would have had more impact or import. But it was good in retrospect, I guess?

Aikido vs kicks? Some of the throws are cool, but I find his lackadaisacal blocks of some of the roundkicks dubious, I think the kick would generally power through, that said, that's assuming they're doing a Thai style kick, maybe if they snap it back they'd reflexively snap back upon contact.

Know Your World - it's addictive, watch out!

Yoga and Aikido - interesting take on connections, I suppose

kind of like a twop, but it's a comic review

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I think the real question Affleck's character missed is whether the cost of a life of a druggie and the self-respect of a private investigator is too high a price to give a kid a loving home.