Ctrl*Z would be funny too, except it's not really a funny situation

Top Secret!, with Val Kilmer in his first role and Lucy Gutteridge (and Omar Sharif, oddly). Kind of like the latest incarnation of Harold and Kumar, stupid, but in a way that's actually hilarious. Amazing in what they could get away with in the 1980s, too, in terms of sexual jokes and boobage, for PG. Actually, what's most interesting is how much this movie has stood the test of time, in terms of, its jokes aren't temporal-context based, I think it would be funny regardless of when it's watched - old school slapstick, which is what a lot of the banal comedies being made now are missing.

Man, I can't read many more articles like this about Palestine. Though, interesting commentary on modern grafitti, on a wall on the road to our mom's hometown, "Control*Alt*Delete." (from Wyatt)

And from an email reponse to Wyatt asking what I would do:
I'd like to say I'd try to follow what I learned in reading Nelson Mandela's autobiography (re: a successful response to a similar situation), but the trick is, as a Palestinian, I don't think they have the same access to education that would allow them to put together that kind or response - they just aren't even aware of its existance. And without that education, like even me reading that book, I'd guess my only response would be....well, to fight, someway, somehow.

But, the trouble is, even as that would be my honest response, like the Palestinian official in the article points out, that does the opposite of helping. Mandela did eventually (and reluctantly) resort to using violence in South Africa, but very very intensely controlled violence, only targeting military and governmental institutions where there would be no loss of life or even injury if they could help it. Of course, more extreme elements of their movement developed that they could not control to that extent, but they tried their hardest to, recognizing that the more indiscriminate violence only led to riots and retaliation (just like the Israeli retaliations). Even Gandhi sanctioned violence in certain cases, saying that if a certain group could not honestly take a nonviolent approach with honest hearts, then do what they needed to...but again, not in a way without discernment, something like, "Be angry, yet do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger."

But, again, that's me speaking from my perspective that has access to all this information. I remember before I started to get into yoga, when I had a stupidly bad temper, yeah, I'd be all over stupidly fighting, and that's where I think a lot of them are at.

Caballerismo vs Machismo

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