I still like the Rock a lot, he's cool

Southland Tales, with one funny cameo after another, a real ensemble cast. Basically, if they'd stuck with the pure scifi aspect of the narrative, it would have been much, much better, but I think that was diluted by postmodern structure and heavyhanded political commentary. Ah, that dang dilution effect. One thing at a time, people! And what's up with Buffy being a pornstar, but never doing anything pornarific? That was disappointing. Still, if you care to sit through any sort of postmodern text, it's a fun scifi near-future setting that's explored, though I think reading the prequels would also help a lot.

I want mantis shrimp contacts (I also like how the one scientist calls them "boy and girl shrimp")

What if they had a hive mind? It would be super creepy, is what.

I love ants! Slash, those ideas would be good for a scifi desert alien, too

Obviously, duh, they grow up into cloverfield monsters

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