it's a wonder there's no Indy RPG

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, with Harrison Ford and Shia Lebouef. I think I just spelled that last name wrong. Oh well. I still can't decide whether this movie was a let-down in terms of Indiana Jones movies or okay. Not great, but okay. At first the acting seemed so strained that I could hardly stand it, though I think my wariness was coloring my perception. When that faded, there were some enjoyable sequences, more enjoyable as the movie went on. I'm still of mixed minds about the quasi-scifi plot and ending (I guess I do like how they strained that it was the very skinny distinction of "interdimensional" rather than "extraterrestrial") and the explanation for the intervening years since the last movie, which kind of politicizes things. But...I'm kind of warming up to it. Yeesh, lots of qualifiers in this post, huh.

Best cards ever.

Bad ass. But I'm still desperately curious as to what an "improvised aircraft-type weapon" might be...

Funny that she's the only female manager

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