a Rice Boy plushie would be nice, but would make me melancholy

Rice Boy - strange, unearthly beautiful, and oh so bittersweet and goosebumpy

With Honors, with Brendan Fraser and Joe Pesci. Kind of a silly premise at first glance, it's still worth a see on a relaxing afternoon or evening. At first, I thought, why should I care about these oh-so-clever college students....but yeah, I really liked each of them in turn. Except for the douche-y guy, he only moderately grew, the rest did much more, though. Teared up in a good way by the end. Oldie but goodie, yay VHS!

Red rain sounds a little creepy when one finds out it's not sediment but little organic almost-beasties....

nice spice primer; I love spices

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