My poetry teacher told me something that stuck today - that sometimes our greatest strength is our greatest weakness. In my poetry this is apparently my facility with creating tone and revealing emotion; the trick is, I pretty much only do that through figurative language and lyricism or meditative poems. Thus, I need to express the same things through more concrete details, and trust in my strength to carry itself through rather than overemphasizing it.
      As I walked home, I thought about a similarity in my martial arts training. One of my strengths is my control; usually I'm as precise and effecient as I can be in my techniques. The trick is, this often leads me to holding back (controlling my technique so I don't hurt the other person, but to the point where the technique doesn't work), or conversely when I finally do let myself go, the other person is almost inevitably injured or hurt. I think basically I need to find that balance between conscious control and cutting loose.

-article on lifting the arms properly; this immediately helped with poses for putting my clicky shoulder back into place

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