Angry, angry lurking pothole: 1. Frank, driving along in brooding too-early-in-morning mode: 0. What really befuddled me was that the tire wasn't flat when I pulled it off to put the spare on; the tire's fine - instead, the rim itself was dented. Goodbye, oh hundreds of dollars for a replacement; I won't shed a tear for you, but will stick my tongue out at that construction zone in your memory.

      Apparently my dad was also the winner in terms of seminars gone to this morning (sorry for my ruminations, I expect the day to get better from the point of writing this part at least). He got to work with a world famous bonsai sensei, who even complimented what my dad had already done, and gave him several signed sketches of potentialities for those trees. I, on the other hand, felt compelled to leave halfway through the one I attended; I have some disillusionment questions I need attended to, I think. Getting to the other school allowed me to try some kung fu cross-step (why they call it a unicorn stance sometimes I will never know) to what appeared to be good effect, at least.

      I also happened to watch two movies tonight; I rationalize that I worked out, cross-stitched and wrote poetry at the same time. The first was The Lady Eve; I've been taking quite a liking to some of these old black and white movies. The flirting and focus on the acting and the perfectly obvious literary references and in-movie connections are refreshingly earnest, I think. While this movie was actually quite hilarious through most of it, near the end it kind of...fragmented. And then the ending? The guy gets screwed over six ways from Sunday, but there's no comeuppance for the girl? Strangely unfulfilling. Unless he really did know...hmm...
      And then, Return of the Joker was on a different channel. Who'd've thunk it, a Batman Beyond movie. In any case, I was quite surprised by how dark and heavy it actually turned out to be in some ways - some parts of that would not be good for kids at all. One thing that interested me tangentially was the use of the weapon-from-orbit concept without any belabored explanation at all; I wonder whether that science fiction idea has become commonplace enough that it fits right in the flow of the narrative as a natural thing, and what that implies.
      And why was Cruel Intentions on the ABC Family Channel? That doesn't seem appropriate at all.

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