So we're driving back and forth from Phoenix last night. And it occurs to me, as we drive by ABF and USF Bestway trucks, that there's a good chance that I had shipped stuff on several of the trucks that we were sharing the road with. It's not the most significant thought ever, but it was interesting to see an extension of my job out in the rest of the world - I mean, to see a...manifestation of the meaning of papers I shuffle and sign. It was a semantic kind of moment, if you will.

Sex and the City (season one). Interesting. It's certainly that. I can see how the show used scandal as an attractant, and while that's amusing on a shallow level I wasn't impressed so much with the acting and such. What interested me most about it, I think, was the structure of each episode and its potential - ie, a theme is presented, and then the episode generally follows the four different reactions of its archetype-characters. So in the sense of each episode being a sort of narrative essay on a particular topic, I enjoyed it. Beyond that, I didn't dislike it, but I'm not sure it would draw me back to follow the show at all.

I wonder, randomly, how far symbolism extends in terms of chess pieces. Does the knight move one square over because a real cavalry man might have turned his horse at the end of charge to be able to fight to one side? Is the queen a symbol of feminine empowerment over the king? Perhaps the bishops can only move in such an oblique way as a commentary on the nature of politico-religious power.

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